Friday 29 April 2011

The Ultimate Royal Wedding

Something that hits me every so often is how God has made everything as it is for a purpose, how the world he has created proclaims the gospel to us when we look at it through the lenses of Scripture. Today, one of those things that God created to show us the gospel has happened and there can’t be many people who missed it: the wedding of William and Kate.

In Ephesians, Paul tells the church that marriage is ultimately about Christ and the church. (Eph 5:32). Forget the news that Kate didn’t promise to obey William- headship and submission in marriage is great to think about, but not today. At the wedding ceremony, the words they did say hold so much more significance- particularly for Kate who went into Westminster Abbey a ‘commoner’ and left a Princess.

Martin Luther in ‘The Freedom of the Christian’ helps us to see the significance of the wedding vows for all Christians, married or single:

Who then can value highly enough these royal nuptials? Who can comprehend the riches of the glory of this grace? Christ, that rich and pious Husband, takes as a wife a needy and impious harlot, redeeming her from all her evils and supplying her with all His good things. It is impossible now that her sins should destroy her, since they have been laid upon Christ and swallowed up in Him, and since she has in her Husband Christ a righteousness which she may claim as her own, and which she can set up with confidence against all her sins, against death and hell, saying, "If I have sinned, my Christ, in whom I believe, has not sinned; all mine is His, and all His is mine," as it is written, "My beloved is mine, and I am His" (Cant. ii. 16). This is what Paul says: "Thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ," victory over sin and death, as he says, "The sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law" (1 Cor. xv. 56, 57).

Isn’t it amazing that the King of Kings, would take sinners with the debt and defilement of sin, and set his love on them, take their debt upon himself and give them his perfect righteousness. We have no debt to pay and no righteousness to earn because we have Christ as our husband! Our new status is found in him.

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